Sunday, July 17, 2022

SAGA #2 - Pirate's Adventure (パイレーツアドベンチャー) - NEC-8801 Walkthrough

I think "Pirate Adventure" should've been more prominent.

YouTube playthrough available as well.  Visit the following link:

After I went through the steep learning curve of playing a Japanese adventure game for the first time, I was at least a little more prepared for the second one.  The translation came much more quickly, as I'm getting better at recognizing the Katakana script the NEC computer's put out.  Going to be an entirely different ballgame if I start to run into Hirogana and Kanji, but we'll leave that for another time.  

For now, I bring you a walkthrough for Scott Adams second Graphic Adventure game - "Pirate's Adventure".  As far as the gameplay, this is one of the more enjoyable in all the Scott Adam's chronology.  Yes, it is one of the easiest, but in a way that is good.  The objectives are clear enough... get to Treasure Island by building a boat, and then recover the treasures there. Some of the challenges is definitely in inventory juggling (you can only carry so much)... but there are a few key puzzles, which have a natural-feeling solution.  The one I didn't like much was trying to figure out the exact wording to solve the "pace 30 and dig" puzzle.  

In any case, here is my Japanese walkthrough, so that you can play this on a PC-8801, or a PC-9801.  The M88 emulator I have lets you type in Romaji, and it converts it nicely to the proper Katakana.  Far easier than trying to locate each symbol on a Japanese keyboard.  For the PC-9801, I created a script I run in the "AutoHotKey" program.  It closely matches the Romaji input approach, so that again... you can basically type in words and it converts to the symbols you need.  (ask me about it if you want to try the PC-9801 version... as I had to use it for that system). 

Do not proceed if you don't want to see the solutions and a lot of screenshots showing the entire Pirate's Adventure game.


English on the wall - in Japanese market game.

toru taru  - (get barrel)
toru suni-ka-   (get sneakers)
haku suni-ka-  (wear sneakers)
toru kurakka-  - (get crackers) must type the - symbol after ka symbol
ue - (up) - LIBRARY

Nowhere to sit and read?

miru hondana (look bookcase)
      -  furumekashii honga arimasu  (there is an old-fashioned book)
toru hon (get book)
miru hon - (look book)

Usuyogoreta furui hondesu

hairu ana - (enter hole) - INSIDE PASSAGE

Looks a lot bigger from the inside!

higashi (east) - ATTIC

Who puts an attic behind a bookshelf!?
toru taimatsu - (get torch)
toru fukuro - (get bag)
akeru fukuro - (open bag) - matches fall out
otosu fukuro - (drop bag)
toru macchi  - (get matches)
mochimono - (inventory) - shows what you now have

Mochimono seems to translate to "belongings"
nishi  - (west) - PASSAGE
nishi - (west) - LIBRARY
hairu mado - (enter window) - LEDGE

Such a high building in the country...


Beware!  That tide will get ya!

otosu hon - (drop book)
higashi (east) - MEADOW

Text says "Mongoose"...  hmmm

kita (north) - SHACK

Wonder what the pirate wants to drink?

ageru taru - (give barrel) - pirate leaves
miru oumu - (look parrot)

kashikosouna oumudesu

toru oumu - (get parrot)
minami - (south) - MEADOW
nishi - (west)  - PIRATE COVE
otosu oumu - (drop parrot)
otosu kurakka-  (drop crackers)
otosu hon - (drop book)
higashi - (east) - MEADOW
higashi - (east) - BOTTOM of HILL

Strange one hill green, the other brown?

kita - (north) - TOP of HILL

Look!  Treasure Island.  I could just swim there.

hairu sakeme - (enter rift) - BIG CAVE

Oops... lookout for Grues.

taimatsu tsukeru - (torch on)

That's much better.

hairu monooki - (enter storage room) - SHED

It's much brighter from the inside!

toru hanma-   (get hammer)  remember to use the"-" symbol, or it won't work
toru shaberu  - (get shovel)
toru ukibukuro  - (get swimming belt)  some might call it life preserver...
kita (north) - BIG CAVE
otosu shaberu - (drop shovel)  otherwise you can't fit through the small crack
hairu sakeme - (enter rift) - TOP of HILL
kesu taimatsu - (torch off)  - you can see it lit or not if you pull up the inventory again
shita - (down) - BOTTOM OF HILL
nishi - (west) - MEADOW
nishi - (west) - PIRATE COVE
otosu ukibukuro  - (drop swimming belt)
otosu taimatsu - (drop torch)
otosu macchi  - (drop matches)
toru hon - (get book)

Death screen.  If you EVER try to walk that ledge without the sneakers...

hairu mado - (enter window) - LIBRARY
shita - (down) - TREASURE ROOM
toru kugi - (get nails)
  - hanmaawo tsukatte yatto nukukotoga dekimashita (I was finally able to pull it out using half-well)
  - nuita kugiwo teni motteimasu  (I have the nail pulled out in my hand)
toru juutan - (get carpet)  - reveals a key

Keys under rugs... as you do.

toru kagi - (get key)
otosu juutan - (drop carpet) - don't need THAT anymore
ue - (up) - LIBRARY
hairu ana - (enter hole) - INSIDE PASSAGE
higashi (east) - ATTIC
toru taru - (get barrel)  it is now an empty barrel
kaizoku o okosu - (wake up pirate)  Don't ask me how HE all the way back here.
nishi - (west) - PASSAGE
nishi - (west) - LIBRARY
hairu mado - (enter window) - LEDGE
otosu hon - (drop book)
otosu kugi - (drop nails)
higashi (east) - MEADOW
kita (north) - SHACK
kagi akeru (unlock) -
akeru hako  (open box) -

What's in the baaahhhhx?
miru hako - (look box) - sekkeizuga detekimashita (The blueprint came out)
miru hako - (look box) - chizuga detekimashita  (the map came out)
toru sekkeizu - (get blueprint)
toru chizu - (get map)
miru chizu - (look map)

It's in this cryptic English language.

miru sekkeizu - (look blueprint)

What's all these foreign letters? 

minami - (south) - MEADOW
nishi - (west)  - PIRATE COVE
otosu hanma-   (drop hammer)  remember to use the - or it won't work
otosu sekkeizu - (drop blueprint)
otosu chizu - (drop map)
toru ukibukuro  - (get swimming belt)
hairu  asase - (enter shallows)

The shallows...

kita (north) - OUT AT SEA  (must have the floatation device)

Watch out for the killer fish!

kumu mizu  (draw water) - fill barrel
toru sakana (take fish) -
minami - (south) - SHALLOWS
minami - (south) - PIRATE COVE
otosu ukibukuro - (drop swimming belt)
toru taimatsu - (get torch)
toru macchi  - (get matches)
higashi - (east) - MEADOW
higashi - (east) - BOTTOM of HILL
taimatsu tsukeru - (torch on)
hairu doukutsu - (enter cave) - LOWER CAVE

Cave of twisty passages, all alike.

shita - (down) - CROCODILE POOL

They love hanging out in the dark cave all day?

ageru sakana - (give fish) - crocs leave
kagi akeru (unlock) -
akeru doa - (open door)
otosu kagi - (drop key)
hairu doa - (enter door) - LONG PASSAGE

The main pathway to the storage shed.

higashi - (east) - BIG CAVE
toru shaberu  - (get shovel)
toru ho - (get sail)
toru zaimoku - (get lumber)
nishi (west) - LONG PASSAGE
nishi (west) - CROC POND
ue (up) - CAVE
nishi (west) - BOTTOM OF HILL
kesu taimatsu - (torch off)  - you can see it lit or not in the inventory
nishi (west) - PIRATE COVE
otosu ho - (drop sail)
otosu zaimoku - (drop lumber)
hairu  asase - (enter shallows)  if tide is out only
horu ikari - (dig anchor)
toru ikari - (get anchor)
minami - (south) - PIRATE COVE
otosu ikari - (drop anchor)
otosu taimatsu - (drop torch)
otosu macchi  - (drop matches)

Think I've assembled a fair bit of "stuff"

tsukuru fune - (build boat)


toru oumu - (get parrot)
toru kurakka-  - (get crackers)
toru chizu - (get map)
higashi (east) - MEADOW
toru mangu-su - (get mongoose)
nishi (west) - PIRATE COVE
noru fune  - (get on boat) - ON THE SHIP

Hey! I built this ship.

shukkou suru  - (set sail?)

Maybe need a new navigator...

oriru fune - (get off the ship) - COAST OF TREASURE ISLAND

Just waiting for his next "rum fix"

suna horu - (dig sand)  ramushuno haitta taruga detekimashitaga (a barrel of rum came out)
minami - (south) - GRAVEYARD

Is he dead, or just sleeping?

higashi - (east) - FIELD

Think the field is oversized for this small island.

hairu shuudouin - (enter monastery) - MONASTERY

otosu mangu-su - (drop mongoose)  gets swallowed by the snake.  Unfortunately... because this is one of the best jokes in the "text-only" game.  It was a squirrel all along, instead of a mongoose.  When you free the mongoose.. THEN you are informed that it wasn't a mongoose, and you just see "dead squirrel" in the description.  Brilliant fun!

otosu oumu - (drop parrot)  - beast off the snakes
toru kinka - (take gold)
miru kinka - (look gold)

irakiraka kagayaite imasu
toru oumu - (get parrot)
minami - (south) - FIELD
aruku 30po - (walk 30 paces)
horu nohara - (dig field) - find a briefcase?  shaberude horuto torankuga detekimashita
otosu shaberu  - (drop shovel)
toru toranku ( get trunk)  - going to have to bust it open when I get my hammer back...
nishi - (west) - GRAVEYARD
kaizoku o okosu - (wake up pirate)
kita - (north) - COAST
noru fune  - (get on boat) - ON THE SHIP
otosu oumu - (drop parrot)
otosu kurakka-  - (drop crackers)
shukkou suru  - (set sail?)
oriru fune - (leave the ship)
toru hanma-   (get hammer)
toru hon (get book)
hairu mado - (enter window) - LIBRARY
shita - (down) - TREASURE ROOM
kowasu toranku - (break trunk) must have hammer
akeru toranku - (open trunk) 
   - suruto nakakara kittega detekimashita  (then a stamp came out from inside)

miru kitte - (look stamp) 

One of most elaborate renders in the game.  Cool.

sukoa - (score)  - 1 treasure, and 50 points
otosu kinka - (drop gold)
sukoa - (score) - 2 treasure, 100 points.  WIN!!


anataha 2tsuno takarawo mitsukemashita  - (you've found two treasures)
tokutenha 100 desu  - (your score is 100)
anataha 2tsuno takaramonowo midotoni takarajimakara mochikameu mashita
    - (you have 2 treasures in the basement from Treasure Island)
korede anatano daiboukenha owarimashita  - (This is the end of your great adventure)

So there you go.  Hope you enjoyed it.  Clearly these are superior graphics to even the Apple II version, which is probably the most familiar.  It's been a lot of fun for me to make my way through these adventures and see the improved graphics.  I've also enjoyed getting familiar with Japanese, although I'm a LONG way from any sense of using the language yet.  


Monday, July 4, 2022

SAGA#1 - Adventureland (アドベンチャーランド) - NEC PC-8801 Walkthrough

NOTE: I uploaded the complete playthrough on YouTube as well.  YouTube version is PC-8801, the screenshots are from the PC-9801:

Recently I was playing through all the Scott Adam's Adventures, taking notes, preparing for posting on each of those text-adventures.  Mr. Adams was a significant part of the early home computing market, becoming an early pioneer of gathering games under a software house.  His Adventure Intl. company was one of the big players for a few years there in the early 80's.  But it all started with his first game called "Adventureland", which was in-turn inspired by the famous "ADVENT" that swept through college campuses lucky enough to own a mainframe computer.  

What I want to do here, though, is to talk about Scott Adam's Graphic Adventure #1.  Naturally, this is also called Adventureland - but this time includes a graphic engine on-top of the original text-only game.  His first graphic version of Adventureland came out on the Apple II in 1982.  The Atari 8-bit machines got their version in 1983.  There was also a Commodore 64 and Spectrum ZX version in 1985.  What I never knew about until just recently was that a Japanese company, Starcraft, also did their own version of Adventureland for the three top Japanese home computers of the era.  I had to take a look at those:

Booting up the game lands you "In the forest"

Once I figured out an emulator and found the game, it felt special to boot up a game I didn't even know existed.  Lo and behold, the graphics looked better than all previous versions I'd seen!  I'm sure they stuck closer to the original designs, in part because of the higher resolution of NEC systems.  Japanese text demanded higher resolution to be able to display complex Japanese text (katakana, hiragana or kanji.)  But this was certainly worth exploring more!  Only one problem... being entirely in Japanese, I couldn't even figure out how to "go east" or "climb tree" to see even one additional screen. I was stuck... tantalized by graphics lying a few kana characters away.

I decided it was high time for me to learn some Japanese.  Before playing this game, I didn't even know about the different writing systems.  The game was presenting some strange symbols -- I didn't even know yet they were called "katakana".  I learned, too, that there is no easy way to "screenshot" and translate any of this, as these computers from 1982 are not displaying katakana as a modern visual translator would recognize.  So it sent me down a path of comparing the wikipedia for each letter and slowly figuring out the romaji (a roman letter spelling of the word).  

Katakana charaters "a, na, ta, ha"  = romaji "anataha"  = you (English)

Shortly then, it started to be a guess the noun or verb game, and seeing if the system recognized any of my commands.  I found some helpful website lists of verbs & nouns, and started to have success!

Success!  I went UP the tree.  It worked!

Exciting!  I was off and running.  2 weeks of intensive katakana translation, lots of google translations, and searching the web... I eventually played through the entire game.  Nowhere online could I find any kind of walkthrough for this game.  I thought here's my chance to help others along this path by publishing my own walkthrough.  Basically, to me the NEC PC-8801 and PC-9801 versions are the best versions of this game anywhere... I hope more people get to explore it now via this walkthrough.


There ended up being three main variants of this game:

SAGA #1 - initial version

Characterized by items being drawn on screen that were present.  Picking up an object redraws that part of the screen to "remove" the object, and vice-versa.

Apple II (1982) - preferred
Atari 8-bit (1983) - not as bad as it looks from screenshots on MobyGames, etc.  You DO have to adjust colors considerably from emulator defaults.

SAGA #1 - Japanese import (by Starcraft)
This fascinating version has the best graphics of any version! Looks like the exact same graphic source as initial version. It also continues to draw all objects on screen that are present.  There were modifications made as well, the graphics never drop from view... all text is contained in the 5 text-rows at bottom of screen.  Sometimes, you'll have to "look room" and "look objects" to learn more.

Fujitsu FM-7 (1984)
NEC PC-8801 (1984) - either NEC computer has same graphics & play
NEC PC-9801 (1984) - same as PC-8801 

SAGA #1 - 2nd English version. 
Simplified version for the C64 and Speccy, this version doesn't bother with any objects drawn to the screen.  It simply has one background image for a location, and doesn't display any objects on it.  You have to read the text to even know that items are present.

Commodore 64 (1985) -
ZX Spectrum (1985)  - preferred (more vibrant color in the graphics, full load off cassette one-time)


Here now is the walkthrough.  First is the romaji input (if your emulator allows romaji, it is by far the easiest way to type & play)... after that is the keyboard keys to input straight kana characters . Finally is of course is the action you're performing described in English.


Starting Location: 

So many things begin in the forest...

ue  /  45  (up) - TOP OF TREE

Just wanted to take in the view!

shita  /  dq  (down) - FOREST
higashi  /  vt`d  (east) - MEADOW with dragon

miru doragon  /  n. s`ob`y  (look dragon)

higashi  /  vt`d  (east) - SHORE of a LAKE   (contains axe and golden fish)

toru ono  /  s. 6k (take axe) - picks it up
kita  /  gq  (north) - QUICKSAND BOG

toru ushi  /  s. 4d  (take ox) - 
miru ushi  /  n. 4d  (look ox)

BUNYON iu  /  BUNYON e4  (say BUNYON) - items disappear
mochimono  /  mamk  (inventory... "belongings" in Japanese) - see what you are holding
I got nothing...

oyogu  /  69h`  (swim)  - exits quicksand, back to shore
minami  /  nun  (south) - BOTTOMLESS HOLE
Ironic, the "read me" would not be read by Japanese audience

shita  /  dq  (down) - LEDGE IN HOLE

I suggest not going down any further!

toru hiuchiishi  /  s. v4aed  (take flint)

miru hiuchiishi  /  n. v4aed (look flint)

ue  /  45  (up) - Bottomless Hole
nishi  /  id  (west) - DISMAL SWAMP
It has a "tick" instead of chiggers.  And an oily cloth.

toru doro  /  s. s`(softkey _)  (take mud) -
nishi  /  id  (west) - PAUL'S PLACE  (read sign = "Paul's Land")

Not for sale... this be Paul's!
miru kudamono  /  n. hq`mk  (look fruit) 

toru kudamono  /  s. hq`mk  (take fruit)
toru ushi  /  s. 4d  (take ox)
toru ono  /  s. 6k  (take axe)
higashi  /  vt`d  (east) - DISMAL SWAMP
miru dani  /  n. q`i  (look tick)

* YOU MIGHT DIE AFTER THIS... but it's worth it to never have to deal with this creepy creature again.  If you die... some quick commands are listed after:

toru dani  /  s. q`i  (take tick)
nishi  /  id  (west) - PAUL'S PLACE
otosu dani  /  6sr q`i  (drop tick) -
higashi  /  vt`d  (east) - DISMAL SWAMP
ue  /  45  (up) - TOP OF CYPRESS

toru kagi  /  s. tg`  (take key)
shita  /  dq  (down)
ki kiru  /  g g>  (cut the tree)
otosu ono  /  6sr 6k  (drop axe)

 (otherwise skip this section)

I see you're in limbo...

ue  /  45  (up) - Top of Oak
shita  /  dq  (down) - FOREST
higashi  /  vt`d  (east) - MEADOW with dragon
minami  /  nun  (south) - DISMAL SWAMP   (and keep going from there)

*RESUME Walkthrough*
fe. glt2` / hairu kirikabu - (enter stump) - INSIDE STUMP

I can read that!

otosu kudamono  /  6sr hq`mk  (drop fruit)
otosu ushi  /  6sr 4d  (drop ox)
shita  /  dq  (down) - ROOT ROOM

toru tsubo  /  s. z-`  (take pot) -
ue  /  45  (up) - INSIDE STUMP
otosu tsubo  /  6sr z-`  (drop pot) -
toru ranpu  /  s. oy2[  (take lamp) -
toru bin  /  s. v`y  (take bottle) -
shita  /  dq  (down) - ROOT ROOM
shita  /  dq  (down) - BOTTOM OF HOLE
hope you didn't chop the tree down before you got the key!

kagi akeru  /  tg` 3:.  (unlock) -
akeru doa  /  3:. s`3  (open door) - OPEN!
otosu kagi  /  6sr tg`  (drop key)
hairu doa  /  fe. s`3  (enter door) - too dark!

ranpu tsukeru  /  oy2[ z:.  (lamp on) - LONG HALLWAY

shita  /  dq  (down) - BIG CAVE

minami  /  nun  (south) - KING'S WAITING ROOM
They made this "leather bag" instead of wine bladder!

toru kawabukuro  /  s. t02`h(soft-key _)  (take bag) - leather bag taken
kita  /  gq  (north) - BIG CAVE
ue  /  45  (up) - LONG HALLWAY
ranpu kesu  /  oy2[ :r  (lamp off)  - you want to conserve or you run out!
ue  /  45  (up) - BOTTOM OF HOLE
ue  /  45  (up)
ue  /  45  (up)
ue  /  45  (up) - DISMAL SWAMP
toru gasu  /  s. t`r  (take gas) - "You put gas in a leather bag"
hairu kirikabu  /  fe. glt2`  (enter stump)
shita  /  dq  (down) - ROOT ROOM
shita  /  dq  (down) - BOTTOM OF HOLE
hairu doa  /  fe. s`3  (enter door) - too dark!
ranpu tsukeru  /  oy2[ z:.  (lamp on) - LONG HALLWAY
shita  /  dq  (down) -
minami  /  nun (south) - KING'S WAITING ROOM
ue  /  45  (up) - BRICK DOOR

otosu kawabukuro  /  6sr t02`h(soft-key _)  (drop bag)
gasu tsukeru  /  t`r z:.  (gas on) - BOOM!

Destructive power of gas.

toru renga  /  s. +yt`  (take brick)
shita  /  dq  (down) - KING'S WAITING ROOM
kita  /  gq  (north) - BIG CAVE
shita  /  dq  (down) - MAZE (UN)

yomu kabe  /  9] t'`  (read wall) - says "Turn off opposite of turning on"
kita  /  gq  (north) - MAZE  (no word on wall)
nishi  /  id  (west) - MAZE (AL)

Al...  was here

yomu kabe  /  9] t'`  (read wall) - says "Aladdin is here"
shita  /  dq  (down) - MAZE (arrow down)

yomu kabe  /  9] t'`  (read wall) - says "in the direction of the arrow …"
toru juutan  /  s. d`*4qy  (take carpet) -
shita  /  dq / shita  (down) - LAVA ROOM

miru yougan  /  n. 94t`y  (look lava)

renga oku  /   +yt` 6h  (put bricks) - asks you where you want to put them?
yougan  /  94t`y  (lava) - msg. says "Firestone is here"
toru ami  /  s. 3n  (take net) - only after the lava has been bricked up
mizu sosogu  /  nr` cch`  (pour water) - again, asks you where?
faiasuto-n  /  2#e3rs-y (on firestone) - message shining red light goes out
  NOTE:  You actually have to type the - character for this one.  Strange.

Dam lava

toru faiasuto-n  /  s. 2#e3rs-y  (take firestone) - 
hikou  /  vb4  (flying) - this lets you escape to the maze
hikou  /  vb4  (flying) - fly to DRAGON MEADOW
ranpu kesu  /  oy2[ :r (lamp off) - gotta conserve
minami  /  nun  (south) - DISMAL SWAMP
hairu kirikabu  /  fe. glt2`  (enter stump) - INSIDE STUMP
faiasuto-n otosu  /  2#e3rs-y 6sr  (drop firestone)
ue  /  45  (up) - DISMAL SWAMP
kita  /  gq  (north) - DRAGON MEADOW
higashi  /  vt`d  (east) - SHORE of a LAKE
kumu mizu  /  h] nr`  (draw water) - refills that bottle to carry the fish!
toru sakana  /  s. xtu  (take fish) -
minami  /  nun  (south) - BOTTOMLESS HOLE
nishi  /  id  (west) - DISMAL SWAMP
hairu kirikabu  /  fe. glt21  (enter stump) - INSIDE STUMP
otosu sakana  /  6sr xtu  (drop fish)
otosu ami  /  6sr 3n  (drop net) 
Treasures accumulating!

ue  /  45  (up) - DISMAL SWAMP
toru doro  /  s. s`(soft key _)  (take mud) 
hairu kirikabu  /  fe. glt2`  (enter stump)
shita  /  dq  (down) - ROOT ROOM
shita  /  dq  (down) - BOTTOM OF HOLE
hairu doa  /  fe. s`3  (enter door) - too dark!
ranpu tsukeru  /  oy2[ z:.  (lamp on) - LONG HALLWAY
shita  /  dq  (down) - BIG CAVE
kita  /  gq  (north) - BUZZ HALL

kita  /  gq  (north) - BEE HIVE
Background bees... honey... and the clump of "takeable" bees

toru hachimitsu  /  s. fanz  (take honey) = (must be holding the mud or you die)
minami  /  nun  (south) - BUZZ HALL
minami  /  nun  (south) - BIG CAVE
otosu hachimitsu  /  6sr fanz  (drop honey)  -  we'll be back for you in a bit
kita  /  gq  (north) - BUZZ HALL
kita  /  gq  (north) - BEE HIVE
suteru mizu  /  rw. nr`  (pour water) - empties water to have space for bees
toru hachi  /  s. fa  (take bees)
hikou  /  vb4  (flying) - this lets you escape to the maze
otosu doro  /  6sr s`(softkey _)  (drop mud) - (sometimes it takes awhile to get rid of the mud)
hikou  /  vb4  (flying) - fly to DRAGON MEADOW  (must make sure mud has dropped off)
otosu hachi  /  6sr fa  (drop bees) - They attack and chase off dragon
ranpu kesu  /  oy2[ :r  (lamp off)
toru tamago  /  s. qjb`  (get egg)
minami  /  nun  (south) - DISMAL SWAMP
hairu kirikabu  /  fe. glt2`  (enter stump)
otosu juutan  /  6sr d`*4qy  (drop carpet)
otosu tamago  /  6sr qjb`  (drop egg) -
sukoa  /  rb3  (score) - (8 items so far… score 65)
Score - 8 items, 65 points.  Few more things to grab.

shita  /  dq  (down) - ROOT ROOM
shita  /  dq  (down) - BOTTOM OF HOLE
hairu doa  /  fe. s`3  (enter door) - too dark!
ranpu tsukeru  /  oy2[ z:.  (lamp on) - LONG HALLWAY
shita  /  dq  (down) - BIG CAVE
toru hachimitsu  /  s. fanz  (take honey)  - told you we'd be back
minami  /  nun  (south) - KING'S WAITING ROOM
ue  /  45  (up) - BRICK DOOR
hairu ana  /  fe. 3u  (enter hole) - NARROW LEDGE
Totally doesn't look far at all...

tobu sakeme  /  s2` x:/  (jump rift) - ROCKY LEDGE
Japanese version made the bear kinda cute instead.

sakebu oogoe  /  x:2` 66b`5  (call out loud) - Bear Falls!  (this and the "flying" verb were the two things that kept me stuck longer than anything else in the entire game)

toru kagami  /  s. tt`n  (take mirror)
higashi  /  vt`d  (east) - THRONE ROOM

toru oukan  /  s. 64ty  (take crown)
nishi  /  id  (west) - ROCKY LEDGE
tobu sakeme  /  s2` x:/  (jump rift) - NARROW LEDGE
nishi  /  id  (west) - BRICK DOOR
shita  /  dq  (down) - KING'S WAITING ROOM
kita  /  gq  (north) - BIG CAVE
ue  /  45  (up) - LONG HALLWAY
ranpu kesu  /  oy2[ :r  (lamp off)
ue  /  45  (up) - BOTTOM OF HOLE
ue  /  45  (up)
ue  /  45  (up) - STUMP - ie. The Treasure Room


otosu hachimitsu  /  6sr fanz  (drop honey)
otosu oukan  /  6sr 64ty  (drop crown)
otosu kagami  /  6sr tt`n  (drop mirror)
sukoa  /  rb3  (score) - (11 items so far… score 90)

We've retrieved everything!
Where are the missing two treasures?

kosuru ranpu  /  br. oy2[  (rub lamp) - Genie comes out and drops ring

sukoa  /  rb3  (score) - (12 items so far… score 95)
kosuru ranpu  /  br. oy2[  (rub lamp) - Genie comes back and drops bracelet
sukoa  /  rb3  (score) - (13 items - WIN!  Score 100)


anataha 13no takarawo mitsukemashita - (You have found 13 treasures)
tokutenha 100 desu - (The score is 100)
anataha 13no zaihouwo subeteteniirimashita  - (You got all 13 treasures)
korede anatano daiboukenha owarimashita  - (This is the end of your great adventure)


Not necessary for the walkthrough of the game...  but some of these are very useful if you're actually learning to play through the game, and trying to learn and/or read the katakana:

miru kanban  /  n. tyf@y  (look sign)
miru heya  /  n. ^7  (look room)  to get full descriptions!

miru kagi  /  n. tg`  (look key) - It's a big old key
miru tsubo  /  n. z-@  (look pot) - ookina rubiino haitta tsubodesu (It is a pot with a big ruby)
miru kawabukuro  /  n. t02@h(soft-key _)  - It is a leather bag that is likely to contain gas
miru kagami  (look mirror) - picture
miru hachimitsu (look honey) - fushigina kinno hachimitsu desu  (it's a mysterious gold honey)
miru oukan  /  n. 64ty  (look crown)  - ousamaga kabutteita junkinno oukanno youdesu  (pure gold crown the King wore)
miru nuno  /  n. 1k  (look cloth) - aburano shimikonda nunogiredesu (piece of cloth soaked with oil)
miru juutan  (look carpet) - totemogoukana usui perushimano juutandesu (It ’s a very luxurious thin carpet from Persia.)
miru faiasuto-n (look firestone) - NEW PIC.  totemo fushigina ishidesu (it's very strange)
miru tamago (look egg) - It's like a dragon egg